Resources to help guide your study of
Mindful Body Awareness
Podcasts and Webinars
Mindful Awareness in MABT from Curious About Recovery – Diving Into Eating Disorders EP44
- Kristen’s podcast with Cynthia, focused on MABT for disordered eating
Interoception and Connecting with Your Body with Dr. Cynthia Price from Brain Observations.
“The ability to attend to the internal experience of your body is called interoception and this is the research focus of todays guest Dr Cynthia Price. In her work, helping people reconnect with their bodies and teaching them sustained awareness of chosen regions, she has seen big changes take place. In this episode we learn how developing the ability to go into your internal experience and rest in your body can give rise to both insight and relief.”
Mindful Awareness in Body-oriented Therapy with Cynthia Price from Associated Bodywork and Massage Professionals (ABMP)
“In this episode, Dr. Price discusses the primary components and core principals of MABT, and how interoceptive awareness can be helpful for individuals with chronic physical or mental health conditions.”
How Mindful Body Awareness Heals with Cynthia Price, from
Liberated Body
“Cynthia’s work is essentially getting at the heart of what I’m most excited about in approaches towards the body. Cynthia and I talk about what MABT’s components are and how it helps people with a diverse range of challenges in clinical settings, how and why she came to do this work, and more broadly, why we disembody, how individual that is, and what we gain when we cultivate a relationship with our bodies.”
Mindfulness for Substance Use Disorder with Cynthia Price, from Present Moment Mindfulness
“Dr. Cynthia Price joins us to speak about the study Mindful Awareness in Body-oriented Therapy (MABT) for women in substance use disorder treatment.”
The use of touch in mindful body awareness training – a webinar with Cynthia Price from USABP (cost $45 to non-members, 2 CEUs)
Description: This workshop will focus on the use of touch in Mindful Awareness in Body-oriented Therapy (MABT), a mind-body approach designed to teach interoceptive skills for self- care and emotion regulation. Multiple research studies, including large NIH-funded randomized controlled trials, have examined MABT feasibility, acceptability, efficacy and therapeutic processes. We will discuss how touch is used to promote body/interoceptive awareness; the acceptability and safety of touch; research findings based on experience working with underserved populations, and people living with serious and co-occurring conditions such as PTSD, chronic pain, and chemical dependency. This workshop will also touch on the education and therapeutic skills important for therapists interested in learning this work.
Professional Development
Continuing education in somatic psychology and mindfulness-based approaches: