Research and Publications
Hanson, K., Blakeney, E., Price, C. (2025). Implementation Outcomes From a Pilot Study of Mindful Awareness in
Body-Oriented Therapy (MABT) as a Chronic Pain Treatment Modality in an Integrative Clinic. Global Advances in Integrative Medicine and Health
Price, C., Pike, K., Treadway, A., Palmer, J., Merrill, J. (2024). Immediate Effects of Mindful Awareness in Body‑Oriented Therapy as an Adjunct to Medication for Opioid Use Disorder. Mindfulness
Price, C., Sevinc, Farb, N. (2023). Within-Person Modulation of Neural Networks following Interoceptive Awareness Training through Mindful Awareness in Body-Oriented Therapy (MABT): A Pilot Study. Brain Sciences
Zuo, Z. Farb, N., Price, C. (2023). A machine learning approach towards the differentiation between interoceptive and exteroceptive attention. European Journal of Neuroscience
Price, C. & Weng, H. (2021). Facilitating Adaptive Emotion Processing and Somatic Reappraisal via Sustained Mindful Interoceptive Attention. Frontiers in Psychology,
Price, Merrill, McCarty et al (2020). A Pilot Study of Mindful Body Awareness Training as an Adjunct to Office-Based Medication Treatment of Opioid Use Disorder. J. Substance Abuse Treatment
Weng, Feldman, Leggio, Napadow, Park & Price. (2020). Interventions and Manipulations of Interoception. Trends in Neurosciences, Vol. 44 (1): 54-62.
Price, Thompson, Crowell, et al (2020) Longitudinal effects of interoceptive awareness training through mindful awareness in body-oriented therapy (MABT) as an adjunct to women’s substance use disorder treatment: A randomized controlled trial. Drug and Alcohol Dependence.
Price, C., Thompson, E., Crowell, S., Pike, K., Cheng, S., Parent, S., Hooven, C. (2019) Immediate Effects of Mindful Awareness in Body-oriented Therapy (MABT) for Women in Substance Use Disorder Treatment: Improved Interoceptive Awareness and Emotion Regulation Indices. Substance Use Journal.
Price, Kantrowitz-Gordon, Calhoun (2019). A Pilot Feasibility Study of Mindfulness Childbirth Education for Women with a History of Sexual Trauma. Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice, 37: 102-108.
Price, C. & Hooven C., (2018). Interoceptive Awareness Skills for Emotion Regulation: Theory and Approach of Mindful Awareness in Body-oriented Therapy (MABT). Frontiers in Psychology, 9:798. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2018.00798.
Price, C. & Smith-DiJulio, K. (2016). Interoceptive Awareness is Important for Relapse Prevention: Perceptions of Women who Received Mindful Body Awareness in Substance Use Disorder Treatment. Journal of Addictions Nursing, Jan- Mar; 27(1)L: 32-38.
Price, C. (2016). Interoceptive Awareness Skills Can Help Clients with Self-Care and Regulation. Massage Magazine, October Issue.
Price, C. & Mehling, W. Body Awareness and Pain. Chapter In: Thompson, D. & Brooks, M. (Eds.) Integrative Pain Management. HandSpring, Scotland. 2016.
Farb, N., Daubenmier, J., Price, C. et al., (2015). Interoception, Contemplation, and Health. Frontiers in Psychology, 6:e763.
Price, C. & Herting, J. (2013). Changes in Post Traumatic Stress Symptoms Among Women in Substance Use Disorder Treatment: The Mediating Role of Bodily Dissociation and Emotion Regulation. Substance Abuse: Research and Treatment, 7: 147-153.
Price, C., Taibi, D., Smith Di-Julio, K., Voss, J. (2013). Developing Compassionate Self-Care Skills in Persons Living with HIV: a Pilot Study to Examine Mindful Awareness in Body-oriented Therapy Feasibility and Acceptability. International Journal of Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork, 6(2): 1-11.
Price, C., Wells, E., Donovan, D., Rue, T. (2012). Mindful Awareness in Body-oriented Therapy as an Adjunct to Women’s Substance Use Disorder Treatment: A Pilot Feasibility Study. Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment, 43: 94-107.
Price, C., Wells, E., Donovan, D., Brooks, M. (2012). Implementation and Acceptability of Mindful Awareness in Body-oriented Therapy in Substance Abuse Treatment. Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine, 18(5): 1-9.
Price, C., Krycka, K., Breitenbucher,T., Brown, N. (2011). Perceived Helpfulness and Unfolding Processes in Body-oriented Therapy Practice. The Indo-Pacific Journal of Phenomenology, 11(2):1-15. ISSN: 1445-7377.
Price, C., McBride, B., Hyerle, L., Kivlahan, D. R. (2007). Mindful Awareness in Body-Oriented Therapy for Female Veterans with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Taking Prescription Analgesics for Chronic Pain: a Feasibility Study. Alternative Therapies in Health and Medicine, 13(6): 32-43.
Price, C. (2007). Dissociation Reduction in Body Therapy during Sexual Abuse Recovery. Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice, 13: 116-128. PMC196550
Price C. (2005). Body-Oriented Therapy in Recovery from Childhood Sexual Abuse: an Efficacy Study. Alternative Therapies in Health and Medicine Volume 11, (5): 46-57.
Price, C. (2006). Body-Oriented Therapy in Sexual Abuse Recovery: A Pilot-Test Comparison. Journal of Bodywork and Movement Therapies, Volume 10: 58-64.
Price, C. (2004). Characteristics of Women Seeking Bodywork as an Adjunct to Psychotherapy During Recovery from Childhood Sexual Abuse. Journal of Bodywork and Movement Therapies, 8(1): 35-42.
Price, C. (2002). Body-Oriented Therapy as an Adjunct to Psychotherapy in Childhood Abuse Recovery: A Case Study. Journal of Bodywork and Movement Therapy, 6(4): 228-236.
Chen, Thompson, Price (2022). The Scale of Body Connection: A Multi-Sample Study to Examine Sensitivity to Change among Mind-Body and Bodywork Interventions. Journal of Integrative and Complementary Medicine.
Price, C., Thompson, E., Cheng, S. (2017). Scale of Body Connection: A multi-sample construct validation study. PLoS ONE, 12(10): e0184757.
Carvalheira, A., Price, C., Neves, C. (2017). Body awareness and bodily dissociation among those with and without sexual difficulties: Differentiation using the Scale of Body Connection. Journal of Sex and Marital Therapy, DOI: 10.1080/0092623X.2017.1299823
Mehling, W., Daubenmier, J., Price, C., Acree, M., Bartmess, E., Stewart, A. (2013). Self-Reported Interoceptive Awareness in Primary Care Patients with Past or Current Low Back Pain. Journal of Pain Research, 6:403-18.
Mehling, W., Price, C., Daubenmier, J., Acree, M., Bartmess, E., Stewart, A. (2012). The Multidimensional Assessment of Interoceptive Awareness (MAIA). PLoS One, 7(11): e48230. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0048230.
Mehling, W., Wrubel, J.,Daubenmier, J., Price, C., Kerr, C., Silow, T., Gopisetty, V., Stewart,A. (2011). Body Awareness: a Phenomenological Inquiry into the Common Ground of Mind-body Therapies. Philosophy, Ethics and Humanities in Medicine 6:6.
Mehling, W., Gopisetty, V., Daubenmier, J., Price, C., Hecht, F., Stewart, A. (2009). Body Awareness: Construct and Self-Report Measures. PLoS One;4(5):e5614.
Price, C., & Thompson, E. A. (2007). Measuring dimensions of Body Connection: Body Awareness and Bodily Dissociation. Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine,13(9):945–953.
Crowell, S., Price, C., Puzia, M., Yaptangco, M., Cheng, S. (2017). Emotion dysregulation and autonomic responses to film, rumination, and body awareness: Extending psychophysiological research to a naturalistic clinical setting and a chemically dependent female sample. Psychophysiology, 54(5): 713-723.
Price, C. & Crowell, S. (2016). Respiratory sinus arrhythmia as a potential measure in substance use treatment-outcome studies. Addiction, 111(4): 615-625.
Price, C. (2012). Massage for Adults with a History of Sexual Trauma. Chapter In: Dryden, D. & Moyer, C. (Eds.) Massage Therapy: Integrating Research and Practice. Human Kinetics, Champaign, IL.
Price, C. (2008). Bodywork for the Homeless: Massage Therapy Foundation funds Seattle organization Alternative Healthcare Access Campaign. Washington Massage Journal, A publication of the American Massage Therapy Association Washington Chapter.
Blackburn, J. and Price, C. ( 2007). Implications of Presence in Manual Therapy Journal of Bodywork and Movement Therapies, 11: 68-77.
Price, C. (1999). Fantastic Voyage/Fantastic Voyagers: A Story of Connecting Inside and Using Imagery during Bodywork. Somatics, 12(4): 32-34.
Image credit: Gavin