Advanced MABT Training
“MABT deepened my personal practice. Professionally, it was a game-changer for me in the somatic work I was already doing. I’ve learned how to take my clients to the internal experience and how slowing down and sustainment within secures their autonomic functioning in a whole new way” Ann Saffi-Biasetti, PhD, C-IAYT, Somatic Psychotherapist
The following courses and steps are for those who have completed MABT Level 1, and are interested in additional, advanced training. Please aim to complete advanced trainings and steps within 2 years of MABT Level 1. If not, you are welcome to retake MABT Level 1, often at reduced cost.
Step 2: MABT Level 2: Practice-based Learning and Mentoring course (includes independent practice time and online/in-person mentoring).
Practice-based Learning: How it works
Step 2 training primarily involves practicing MABT within the context of your clinical practice. During this training step, you will be asked to document MABT skills that you practice over a period of 1-3 months, with a minimum set of 5-10 practice times for each of the MABT skills.
During the practice-based training period, you will need to sign up for a five-session mentoring class. The mentoring class can be individual, or if there are others interested in the same time-period can be arranged as a small group class. This class will be offered, online via zoom conference call. If there is a small group in Seattle and in-person can be arranged, this is also an option.
Mentoring Course: How it Works
Four 1-hour mentoring meetings. We meet once every 2 weeks over zoom (or in person). You’ll be with the instructor (and other learners) in real time (these sessions are not recorded). The dates and times will be worked out to meet the scheduling needs of the individual(s) involved. Mentorship sessions will focus on the following: review skills and clarification (how to do any aspect of MABT); how to integrate MABT into bodywork or psychotherapy practice; clinical scenarios – talking through what you tried and what you might try next time.
Exercises between classes. Each week, based on what is discussed, the instructor will suggest a focus for the next week – typically related to practice of Stage 1 -3 processes.
An additional 30-minute individual consultation session will be scheduled at the end of the group course. In this one-on-one session, you and the instructor will have time to discuss any part of your practice needing individual attention. The instructor will give you support and guidance re: the next steps forward.
Students are also expected to engage in personal and professional growth opportunities related to mindfulness, their own somatic awareness, and verbal interaction/counseling skills, especially if this type of work is new. In addition, we encourage students to receive MABT sessions from a certified MABT practitioner (e.g. one session specific to each stage) and/or to trade with others who have completed MABT level 1 training (or advanced MABT training) in your community. Please email to get connected to MABT practitioners in your area.
Prerequisite: completion of MABT Level 1 (Series or Retreat Intensive).
To register: email
Training Step 3: Receive MABT Sessions from an Instructor.
This step involves receiving sessions from a MABT Instructor as a client. The expectation is that you will receive a minimum of four sessions from a certified MABT practitioner and Center Instructor prior to engaging in the Internship. Receiving sessions is an important step for gaining a more complete sense of this work, and to facilitate your own somatic awareness processes in preparation for guiding others. These sessions can be done in-person or as remote assisted ‘self-study’ sessions.
To do so, please email to get Instructor referral and contact information. If there are no Instructors in your area, we will provide you with contact information for those who offer remote sessions. You are welcome to choose between seeing one consistent MABT certified therapist or to set up sessions with different therapists/practitioners for this purpose.
Prerequisite: completion of MABT Level 1 (Series or Retreat Intensive).
Training Step 4: MABT Demonstration. The demonstration will combine MABT Protocol Stages into one session, and will be delivered either in person or remotely with an instructor in the client role. The demonstration session is a prerequisite for the Internship (Step 4 in the MABT training sequence). Student must show capacity to lead each of the protocol stage skills, and demonstrate knowledge of concepts important to MABT delivery. Specifically, the demonstration session will cover:
- Intake
- Body Literacy training (Stage 1)
- Interoceptive Exercises (Stage 2)
- Mindful Body Awareness Practice (Stage 3)
- Session Review
Prerequisite: completion of Level 2 MABT course (Practice-based Learning and Mentorship Class).
To schedule this: email
Training Step 5: Internship
The MABT Internship is aimed at developing proficient delivery of the MABT protocol. Internships will be individually designed but will generally involve seeing ‘clients’ in a community setting with either the staff (of business, organization, clinic or agency) or clients (if clinic or social service agency) associated with the setting. Internship sessions can also be delivered at your own office.
Ongoing close supervision from one of our instructors will be involved. The clinical internship offers therapists the practice and oversight needed to meet the targeted competencies for Certification as a MABT Practitioner. The MABT Practitioner Certificate is needed to offer MABT in clinical settings associated with the Center for Mindful Body Awareness, to describe your work as MABT, or to begin assisting as an instructor in MABT courses.
The internship involves delivery of 8 weeks of MABT sessions, typically with 2 ‘clients’, following the three stages of the MABT protocol. All sessions will be offered free of charge since they are for learning and practice purposes. All sessions will be audio-recorded for review by the instructor/supervisor, using a digital recorder. The therapist will upload the session digital recordings to a secured dropbox site for the supervisor to review. These recordings are strictly confidential, and will be deleted immediately after the supervision meeting associated with that session.
After delivery of each MABT session, the intern will complete a self-evaluation form, that addresses the key MABT competencies for that session /MABT stage. These evaluation forms will be uploaded, along with the recording, to a password protected online folder. After completion of all internship sessions, your supervisor will prepare an overall evaluation and will meet with you to review this. If it is determined that more practice is needed to meet the competencies, an extension of the internship will be planned including determination of additional costs involved.
In the attempt to keep down the cost of the internship, we ask that the therapist/practitioner take a role in helping to set up the internship. Once set up, all scheduling and communication with the internship ‘clients’ will be the responsibility of the intern. Tuition is due prior to the first internship session.
The Internship is a valuable opportunity to receive close supervision and to hone your skills. To recap, the following are the formal Internship expectations:
- Arranging internship ‘clients’ who will sign a release for their participation in this training.
- Weekly supervision (typically via zoom or on phone), to be scheduled with instructor prior to start of Internship.
- Completion of written self-evaluation forms to be turned in weekly after each session.
- Uploading weekly session audio-recordings.
Self-study – involving listening to your own tapes when needed, reading/review, etc.
To engage in the Internship, you’ll need the following:
a) Space to work
b) Clients to work with
c) Digital recorder (if you’re in Seattle we can likely loan you one)
d) Gmail account and computer (to upload recordings and documents to google drive folder)
Prerequisite: When you feel confident of your basic MABT skills, students interested in moving on in their training, can send an email to request an internship. The email should indicate (or include):
- Documentation of practice-based work (send copies of documentation forms).
- Documentation of any related work (supervision, MABT sessions received through trades or from therapists, other related educational/personal growth experiences).
- Practicum completion (if possible).
- Essay indicating overview of practice-based learning: an open exploration of your relationship to this work – what is intriguing, helpful, challenging, and places where you are unsure and want further mentoring, etc. Please include a section focused on how you envision the role of MABT in your practice.
Once this email application has been reviewed and approved, then registration is possible.
Teacher Training may be available to those interested. Will involve assisting in trainings and will be arranged individually.